
This feature is used to create a group of tiers or ungroup tiers from a group. This might be required when you have to create a group of similar tiers.

Group Tier

To group tiers, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on a tier, go to Group, and click the Group Tier option as shown in Figure 92.
Figure 92: Group Tier

2. The Add New Group window is displayed as shown in Figure 93.

Figure 93: Add New Group Window

3. To add the tier to an existing group, select the group from the Add into Existing Group drop-down list and click the Save button.

4. To create a new group, select the Create New Group radio button. The following options in the Add New Group are displayed as shown in Figure 94.

Figure 94: Add New Group Window
  1. Enter the group name. Space is not allowed in group names.
  2. Select the tier(s) from the Available Tiers and move them to the Tiers to be Grouped section using the navigation buttons ( for individuals/ for all). To remove the tier from the Tiers to be Grouped section, use the navigation buttons ( for individuals/ for all) as shown in Figure 95. You can use the search option ( ) to search for a tier.
Figure 95: Create New Group
  1. Click the Save The system prompts for the confirmation, then click OK. A group of selected tiers is created with the group name specified.

Ungroup Tier

You can ungroup all or the selected tier(s) from a group. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on a grouped tier, go to Group, and click the UnGroup Tier option as shown in Figure 96.
Figure 96: Ungroup Tier Option

2. The UnGroup Tier(s) window is displayed as shown in Figure 97.

Figure 97: UnGroup Tier(s) Window
  1. Select the tier(s) to be ungrouped and click the navigation buttons ( for individuals/ for all). The ungrouped tiers are displayed under the Tiers to be Ungrouped
  2. Click the Save The system prompts for the confirmation.

Rename Group

This feature is used to rename a group. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on a grouped tier, go to Group, and click the Rename Group option as in Figure 98.
Figure 98: Rename Group Option

2. The Rename Group Name window is displayed as shown in Figure 99. Enter the new name of the group and click Apply.

Figure 99: Rename Group Window.

Delete Group

This feature is used to delete a group. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on a grouped tier, go to Group, and click the Delete Group option as shown in Figure 100.
Figure 100: Delete Group Option

2. System prompts for the confirmation of the group deletion, click OK to delete the group.

Figure 101: Delete Group Window

Show Dashboard

This feature displays information in the graphical format about transactions per second, response time, and the CPU utilization. To view the dashboard, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Right-click on a tier and click the Show Dashboard option as shown in Figure 102.
Figure 102: Show Dashboard Option

2. The dashboard is displayed at the bottom pane with information on transactions per second, response time, and CPU utilization.

Figure 103: Bottom Pane

3. To close the graphical view, click the Close button on the right. Alternatively, right-click the tier and click the Hide Dashboard option as shown in Figure 105.

Figure 104: Hide Dashboard

Note: This information can be viewed from tier also.

Where – 12 is the average TPS, 534 (ms) is the average response time, and 0(%) is the average CPU utilization.